
pattern and painting
Delpha with Roses and other phantoms at Porthmeor studios 2022. Photo credit: Pete Knight

patterned painted chair installation
Grandma’s Story, found object with acrylic on linen, interactive painting installation with books and writing implements, 2024

‘Grandma’s Story’ is currently on show at Falmouth Art Gallery after being on show at Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens & Gallery. Exploring women’s stories and matrilineal story telling everyone is invited to sit in this throne-like chair and tell stories.

colourful figurative painting

A common treasury for all, acrylic on canvas, 200x180cm, 2023

On show at the Fish Factory, Falmouth from November 19th 2024 as part of the Right to Roam exhibition.

painting for sale
The monsters that make us, mixed media on canvas, 200x160cm, 2022 Currently on show at Tremenheere Gallery, 2024
When you’ve been around so long you are goddess of many things, Tremenheere Gallery, April 2023

colourful painting
Another glad day, acrylic on canvas, 200x180cm, 2024

painting about collectivity and care
Infinitely boundless as the human heart, acrylic on canvas, 210x160cm, 2023

Part of the Between Earth and Sky exhibition with Periscope Arts in Stroud, 2023

contemporary figurative painting
Creatures that tip the scales in our favour, acrylic on canvas, 210x170cm, 2023

painting for sale
The sixth sense of understanding, acrylic on canvas, 200x180cm, 2021 Shown at STUDIO KIND, 2023-4
painting for sale
In the soup, acrylic on canvas, 190x165cm, 2022
painting with female knight doing contemporary cleaning
Standard bearer, mixed media on canvas, 195x160cm, 2022

Artist’s Statement

Art making is a means of reconnecting the alternative values of past cultures to the present, and addressing issues of resistance, sustainability, and economies of care.

I use painting as a way of thinking through complex systems with multiple and entangled narratives. My tapestry-like ‘history’ paintings use a vernacular of interpretable figures, colours, symbols and patterns to tell stories about women’s lives. Assimilating mythologies from the past and realising them in a language of the present explores empathy and what we value now.

Idealised and fluid female archetypes satirise hierarchies in which women have so often been absent. They are surrounded by surreal landscapes and domestic patterns that heave with carnivalesque hybrid figures, patterns and symbols that create new fictions and polyphonic stories that create relatable and transformative experience.

Painting installations combine painting with found objects, including local granite egg stones and domestic furniture. Performance and film works use reflexive processes of embodiment in local landscapes as a vehicle to empower and connect. Visual storytelling creates equality, visibility and value for women’s bodily experiences of mothering and caring for the natural world.

Delpha Hudson, March 2024

Watch a film of Delpha talking about her work

artist in her studio
Delpha at Porthmeor Studios, 2022. Photo film credit: Pete Knight

chaotic watercolour painting with ink with patterns with 3 figures showing movement and empathy
Gleaning a fruitful incoherence, watercolour and ink, 42x30cm, 2024

watercolour and ink painting of a figure standing half in mud holding out her hand to another figure. surreal landscape exploring ambivalence
The mire of ambivalence, watercolour & ink, 42x30cm, 2024

watercolour painting of rocks and woman
Seeing through and being seen, watercolour, 42x30cm, 2023

paintings on paper
The price of truth (whose truth?) 42x30cm, watercolour and ink, 2023

writing painting
Family on a tight rope, watercolour & ink, 42x30cm, 2022

Bitumen paintings

Older works include the use of bitumen paint as a conceptual medium. I no longer use this messy medium preferring to use ‘greener’ materials but do look at the ideas behind the works.

colourful painting
White rhino, black rhino, mixed media on canvas, 90x30x4cm, 2019
delpha hudson painting for sale
She wanted to swim through the broadest of lives, oil & bitumen on canvas, 50x50x4cm, 2020

performing in the landscape
Performance collaborations with Helen Sargeant at the Men-an-tol, June 2023

Have a look at performance, film and installation projects.

small painting on linen with pattern and a mother and child figure
The appearance of invisible things, acrylic on linen, 15x15x3cm, 2024

small painting on linen showing the myth of the woman who cut of her hair to staunch the blood of her loved one.
The odd sacrifice, acrylic on linen, 15x15x3cm, 2024